Un Paso Adelante Before and After 2018 (The Television Series Un Paso Adelante Then and Now 2018)

Un Paso Adelante Then and Now 2018

Actors and Actresses of the series Un Paso Adelante Before and After 2018 (Un Paso Adelante television series).

Un Paso Adelante (One step forward) is a Spanish TV drama. It was originally broadcast on Spanish channel Antena 3 from 2002 to 2005. It has also been a huge success in Spanish-speaking countries (including Latin America), in Germany (where it was retitled Dance – Der Traum vom Ruhm), Italy (where it was retitled Paso Adelante), Serbia, Montenegro and in France (where it was retitled Un, Dos, Tres). It began airing on Séries+ in Canada in 2011. Choreographers: Luka Yexi (seasons 1+2) Anna & Carlos Infante (seasons 3+4) Myriam Benedited (seasons 5+6)

Actors in English of Un Paso Adelante Then and Now 2018 are :

1- Lola – Beatriz Luengo

2002 – 2018

2- Roberto – Miguel Ángel Muñoz

2002 – 2018

3- Erika – Erika Sanz

2002 – 2018