The Avengers Before and After 2018 (The movie Marvel’s The Avengers 3, 2, 1 Then and Now)

Marvel’s The Avengers Then and Now 2018

Marvel’s The Avengers (Marvel Avengers Assemble) is an American superhero movie. The cast includes Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff and Thor trying to work as a team to prevent Thor’s adoptive brother, Loki, from invading the Earth.
Actors and Actresses of the movie The Avengers Before and After 2018 (Marvel’s The Avengers 3, 2, 1 the movie)
Actors in English of The Avengers Then and Now are :

1- Ulysses – Andy Serkis

2015 – 2018

2- Strucker – Thomas Kretschmann

2015 – 2018

3- Helen – Claudia Kim

2015 – 2018