Supergirl is an American superhero action-adventure television series that originally aired on CBS and premiered on October 26, 2015. It is based on the character Supergirl, and stars Melissa Benoist in the title role. Supergirl is a costumed superheroine who is Superman’s cousin and one of the last surviving Kryptonians.
The series was officially picked up on May 6, 2015, after receiving a series commitment in September 2014, and received a full season order on November 30, 2015. On May 12, 2016, announced that the series had been renewed for a second season and that it would move from CBS to The CW. It debuted on October 10, 2016. On January 8, 2017, The CW renewed the series for a third season, which began airing on October 9, 2017. On April 2, 2018, The CW renewed the series for a fourth season.
Actors and Actresses of the series Supergirl Before and After 2018 (Supergirl television series).
Actors in English of Supergirl Then and Now 2018 are :
1- Indigo – Laura Vandervoort
2016 – 2018
2- Leslie – Brit Morgan
2015 – 2018
3- Superman / Clark – Tyler Hoechlin
2016 – 2018